Public Safety
Florida’s law enforcement officers put their lives on the line each and every day to protect our families and our communities. Wilton has fought to ensure our men and women in uniform have the support and resources they need to do their jobs.

Back the Blue

Combating Public Disorder


Supporting Veterans and Our Military
Back the Blue
Wilton has a Record of Supporting Law Enforcement
While other states have rushed to defund the police, Wilton fought against similar attempts here in Florida because he knows that safe communities have thriving economies, schools and businesses.
He has the support of dozens of Florida’s Sheriffs and the Florida Police Benevolent Association because they know that the law enforcement community can count on Wilton Simpson.
“As our Senate President, you insist that the men and women of law enforcement and corrections be treated with the utmost respect,” reads a letter to Simpson from FPBA President John “Kaz“ Kazanjian. “Your vision as Senate President has steered our law enforcement and correctional officer communities onto a road into the 21st century. Your support for creating a sustainable quality of life for Florida’s finest will leave a lasting legacy for decades to come.
“We have your back and we know you have ours.”
“It’s not enough to just back our men and women in uniform. To truly support our law enforcement officers and ensure safer communities, you have to stand shoulder to shoulder with them in support of the rule of law. Wilton Simpson understands that and has stood up for the rule of law when others have bowed and caved to the defund the police crowd,” said Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey.
Combating Public Disorder
Wilton stood with Governor Ron DeSantis to prevent violence, disorder and looting in Florida.
Our constitutional right to protest has played a critical role in the great history of our democracy. Wilton will defend the right of every Floridian to peacefully protest. However, you can’t assault a police officer. You can’t destroy property. No matter who you are, or what the cause.
That’s why Wilton worked to strengthen our state laws to increase penalties for bad actors who turn otherwise peaceful and constitutional protests into violent riots where law enforcement officers are attacked and property destroyed.
“The women and men in law enforcement start each shift with a mission: to work side by side with members of their community to keep it safe and to make it home to their families. Wilton Simpson has firmly stood with law enforcement in this mission and understands that protecting our communities and our future will allow Florida to continue to prosper.”
— Pasco Sheriff Chris Nocco
Back the Blue BBQ 2023
In 2023, Commissioner Simpson hosted the first “Back the Blue BBQ” honoring Florida’s law enforcement community. The event brought together Sheriffs from across the state, Florida Department of Agriculture Law Enforcement Officers and members of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. The event was an opportunity to gather with family for an evening of good food, great music and even better fellowship.
Responding to the Border Crisis
Ours is a nation of immigrants and here in Florida the rich impacts of immigrants are found in everything from our economy to our culture. Wilton understands that promoting legal immigration is foundational to who we are as a state, and that foundation is threatened when illegal immigration is allowed to thrive as it has under the Biden Administration. That is why Wilton worked to ban sanctuary cities in Florida.
In July 2021, Wilton and Governor Ron DeSantis visited the Southern Border to meet with Florida law enforcement deployed to Texas to provide additional resources in response to the ongoing border crisis.
Protecting Our Heroes
Military Protection Act
Florida is home to more than 1.4 million Veterans, tens of thousands of active duty service members and host to 21 military bases. Wilton has worked to ensure we honor their service.
Making Florida More Affordable for Military and Veterans. Wilton worked to eliminate fees and regulations to make living in Florida more affordable for our military and Veterans. From waiving fees related to drivers licenses, the Florida College System and professional licenses, Wilton has made military and Veteran affordability a priority.
The Florida GI Bill waives out-of-state tuition fees, for veterans and funds scholarships, including online programs and book stipends, for members of the Florida National Guard who are not eligible for the federal GI Bill, and expands employment preferences across the Veteran and military community.
Ensuring Active Duty Military Are Able to Vote While Out-of-State and Overseas. While defending our freedom, no service member should be robbed of their right to cast a ballot in our local, state and federal elections. Wilton voted to ensure the use of the federal write-in ballot to state and local elections.
The Military Protection Act makes it clear that attempts to defraud or swindle military service members and their families will not be tolerated. Additional fines and penalties are created for perpetrators that target and victimize the people who are so bravely serving our country.
“Wilton is a straight forward, ethical leader who understands the issues that matter most to Floridians and knows how to get things done. I know he will have an impact on Florida agriculture for generations to come.”
—LTG(R) Bill Lennox
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